support the supporters
a new start — together

Many cultural producers with a forced migration background face problems when starting or continuing their professional career in a new country - not only due to social differences, but also due to the lack of know-how within a specific system.

Support the Supporters is a career development programme tailored to the needs of Berlin-based art practitioners with a forced migration background, aiming to support their professional development through coculture’s resources and infrastructure.


Click on a subproject to jump to its section:

Lab Project

The Lab category features emerging project concepts exploring future artistic possibilities. These sketches represent coculture's exploratory spirit, highlighting innovative ideas awaiting development.

While realization isn't guaranteed, this space invites viewers to envision the potential of transformative art and cultural narratives.


We strongly believe in facilitating knowledge and skill sharing. One component of our Support the Supporters project is utilising our experience and infrastructure to support up-and-coming artists to come to Berlin from the MENA region. Our fellowship program offers support both with artistic advice and practical support navigating the complexities of German bureaucracy. To realise this sub-project we are collaborating with the Martin Roth Initiative who is supporting us to host artistic fellows.

We collaborated with a Libyan artist, Tewa Barnosa, from early 2019 until summer 2020.

We are currently working with six artists and musicians based across the MENA region on a virtual residency with the Martin Roth Initiative.


The Mentorship program is a career development programme tailored to the needs of Berlin-based art practitioners with a forced migration background, aiming to support their projects and professional development through sharing coculture’s expertise, resources and infrastructure. We want to build up the capacity of participants to enable them to realise their artistic and cultural projects.

Our mentorship programme is precisely customised to the personal needs and possibilities of each participant, offering not only a space for the creation of one’s own initiatives and institutions, but also tangible solutions for their development.

Open Calls

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Michèle Brand

project development

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